Satsang means to be in the company of ‘sat’, which means existence itself or the absolute truth. Eventually, we become that which we keep company with. So, as much as possible, we should strive to transform our entire life into satsang.
When we discover the essence of our being, then the practice of satsang becomes simply being aware of that essence and living through it. Until then, it is helpful to keep the company of people who are fully established in their essence. This ‘keeping company’ doesn’t necessarily have to be through in-person talks but could also include reading or listening to the words that flow forth from a space where the truth is realised and lived.
Even if we have come to a stage in our practice when we just want to sit in silence, the energy radiated during satsang can be beneficial to simply sit and steeps ourselves in. When the song of truth begins, many different kinds of subtler, invisible-to-the-naked-eye beings also come to listen and swim in the nectar of those words.
If we want to become the truth, then we should keep the company of that truth until we merge into it. This is the essence of satsang.