The Avadhuta Path, which has been exemplified by such spiritual luminaries as Sai Baba of Shirdi, Bhagavan Nityananda and Shiva Prabhkara Siddha Yogi, does not merely involve the awakening to the transcendent Self but also the dissolution of all possible patterns of perception and conception that yield a dualistic, differentiated perspective of reality. The Great Beings who become established in this absolutely non-conceptual, mind-free state, though perhaps appearing totally ordinary or, conversely, even quite eccentric or mad, come to attain a completely unimpeded and omnipotent freedom of activity within the earthly as well as subtler, extraterrestrial spheres of existence. All that we can ever know and perceive of Avadhutas from an ordinary earthly perspective is verily just a wafer-thin slice of their full multidimensional stature and operating capacity.